The Hijab Fetish: Hijab Makes Couples Horny

The Hijab Fetish?

The title of this post is intriguing.

Controversial MUCH?

Trust me, it’s gonna get juicier and juicier as we go along. I am pouring my heart and soul into this post…because I have been observing this phenomena for almost 5 years now and it’s been getting more and more obvious to this practiced eyes of mine that I simply could not ignore it anymore.

Since this phenomena is not gonna go away anytime soo, I have decided to make fun out of it. Might as well get a big great laugh out of something that can’t be helped rather than continuing being annoyed by it.

I have decided that I would be amused instead (as much as we can decide these things).


When I was in first year, I was not really observant. You see, I had so many other things to keep myself occupied with. I was busy trying to get adjusted to the life in overseas, making them suitable to my Islamic upbringing, get adjusted to the accent and get adjusted to going everywhere by bus (THAT was a major adjustment, allright!) and get adjusted to studying (Don’t even get me started on this because I could go on forever).

But by the time I was in my second year of med school, I noticed that a lot of people when they saw me (and people ALWAYS see me, if not stare at me, no matter how ORDINARY my activities are. To make myself feel better, I have come to attribute that phenomena to my drop dead gorgeous looks, lol) would suddenly get extra HORNY with their partner.

The first time that phenomena happened, I thought it must be a figment of my overimaginative mind. I am, after all, the younger sister of a novelist and am very keen to follow my sister’s path if medicine gets too boring in the future. My imagination is very fertile, indeed.

The second time it happened, again I shook my head in disbelief.

The third time…well, I speculated and arrived at a very self-flattering conclusion.

It was my damn good looks that made them horny! ROFL!!

And everytime the phenomena occured around my vicinity, I just shrugged my shoulders, resigned to get myself a face veil in the future.

Imagine my surprise when another Muslim friend of mine suddenly let me know in no uncertain terms that she had experienced the exact same thing that I had. Imagine my disappointment, my dear readers!  I was crushed (beyond anything!!) that it wasn’t my damn good looks after all, that had gotten all those couples horny.

It was our hijab.

I have since then labeled this phenomena as:


On a second thought, it might not be our hijab, per se. It might actually be the fact that with our hijab, we are easily identified as being Muslims.


The first hijab-fetish couple I had seen:

I saw this couple on a bus when I was on my way to John Hunter Hospital by bus. The girl had her dark hair dyed blond (I knew this because the roots looked as dark as coals, ugh, soo ugly! What a BAD dye job!) and the guy had some piercings on his face (again, what makes them do all these piercings and tattoos! If you think my hijab is oppression, at least a lot of people said my hijabs are really pretty, okay!! But your ‘things’ that you do with freedom, just screamed BAD TASTE and possible diagnosis of HEPATITIS C ). At the risk of sounding superficial (for judging them based on their appearance), they didn’t look too educated or polished or sophisticated.

I climbed up the bus, paid the so-very-expensive bus fare, and sat right across the aisle from them at the special seating (usually reserved for elderlies and immobile people). They were  NORMAL at first. They were sitting at a perfectly acceptable distance. But after seeing me there, right across the aisle from them, suddenly my presence became too much a stimulation to be passively borne by them. A few minutes later they started kissing so very passionately, I had to look away just to give them some illusion of privacy.

Deep inside I was astonished that they would behave in a very lewd manner in public. And I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Other people (you know normal people without the towel or turban on their head, if you know what I mean) were staring too. One particularly elderly lady (her age might explain her wisdom) looked quite disgusted.

But I passed that off as:

1)In a western society, kissing publicly and soo…uh, enthusiastically, is normal.

2)Besides, they might come from a disadvantaged background and thus did not know how to behave in the polite society. I should give them my deeply-felt, whole-hearted sympathy.

The Second Hijab-Fetish Couple I had met:

– This time I was waiting at the hospital compound for my bus back home. I was doing emergency on-call on that day and by the time my shift was over, it was already quite dark outside. When I arrived at the hospital compound, I saw this attractive couple sitting on the metal bench (they were probably in the hospital visiting a relative and were waiting for their bus to head home). Again, they were not acting lewdly when I first appeared. But after a minute of noticing my presence on the bench next to theirs, they began to act all FUNNY! I couldn’t describe their exact behaviour with words since I am not quite used to describing these things…I probably wouldn’t have the proper English words for them.  The only word that comes to my mind now is, ANIMALISTIC…which I think is quite apt for a description.

We were alone. I felt really WEIRD, like I shouldn’t be there seeing these things. And while they are being BUSY, sometimes they would steal glances at me. At first, I thought they were glancing at me because they were trying to let me know that I was intruding. (Can’t you see that we need privacy here? Go wait for your bus inside the hospital, would you? We came here first, mind you!) So, I moved to the bench furthest away and looked elsewhere, giving my back to them.

But then, they started being LOUD. Well,  they were laughing out loud as though what they were  doing was a source of great hilarity. Oh my dear readers, it was most bizarre. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought they wanted as much attention directed towards them as possible.

My curiosity aroused, I stole glances at them. They began to get more enthusiastic. My goodness!!

I congratulated myself for my admirable ability to keep my jaw from swinging open. It spoke volume of my fabulous self-control.

The third couple; The fourth Couple….

Well, I could go on and on and on about this very interesting phenomena but the take-home-message is the same. When we compiled my experience with another friend of mine’s experience and another Muslim friend’s experience…the story is the same.

Certain people get horny when they see us. I feel so sorry for them. I hope this affliction would find a cure SOON because even when I am no longer here next year, the Malaysian medical students in the years below are still around. And there are still so many Saudi students too. Imagine getting horny every other half an hour! Poor people!!


I am sure you can guess what I am trying to get at.

You know how when you were little, you thought your parents didn’t know what you were about. You would cry and sulk, thinking they didn’t know your thrashing around  was your inspired way of getting their attention. But now that you have reached the age of maturity, you take one look at a child, and you know what is running through his mind when he smiles at you ingratiatingly as you walk into the room with a box of chocolate. Children are honest creatures…not because they never lie, but because we can always see through them.

Now, take this hijab-fetish phenomena as an example. What they are doing is a thinly disguised attempt at provoking us. I can arrive at several conclusions here:

1) They are trying to provoke us. To annoy us. Or maybe trying to impress us. Or to shock us! Basically, they are just trying to get a reaction.

2)They are trying to let us see and know how free they are compared to us. Perhaps, to invoke jealousy in us. They thought we would think “oh, how I wish I could do what they do and be free.” Little did they know what I usually think is, “My unlce’s cats have much more finesse than you at this.” That is, when I wasn’t busy trying to tune out the girl’s irritating giggles. (Oh, I hope I never giggle that way in any moment, intimate or otherwise.)

3)Maybe they are, indirectly, trying to let us know what we are missing. But instead of doing it in malice, they are doing it with a misguided notion of sympathy.

Oh well, they are making a fool of themselves.

People can talk all they like about freedom of action. But to me, that rather antagonizes the practice of reason. It discourages intellectual discussion because every issue would end with the over-used expression of ‘freedom of choice’. You go through your life in automatic mode (whatever-pleases-me-mode) without using the God-given brain to excercise your thinking process. If all actions that we do (that don’t harm others) are okay just because you are excercising your freedom, then every question in the future is settled. We don’t need to bother having an opinion or a thought about anything that doesn’t involve murder, stealing, corruption…and…well that’s pretty much it; the rest are just variation and degrees of stealing and murder.

But is that how life is supposed to be led? Is everything that doesn’t harm others are okay? Look at… the action of Jennifer Hawkins when she decided to don on her birthday suit to promote healthy body image among young girls! Puh – lease!! Only retarded people would believe such a myth!! But what happened when people question the sincerity behind her self-sacrificing and self-exploiting act? You get answers like:

a)I think her body’s great.

b)This is Australia! We are not in the Middle East. She is free to do whatever she likes.

b) If you don’t like it, you are in a wrong country.

If  people are to really talk about the heart of the matter: DOES JENNIFER HAWKINS GOING NUDE HELPS YOUNG PEOPLE WITH BODY IMAGE ISSUES? you would be able to come up with justification and pros and cons for both sides (though the perfect answer is obvious isn’t it? Sheesh). But when you start throwing ‘it’s her freedom to do so’….then the matter ends there. Like I said, this is the age when you can win an argument with that magic word: FREEDOM! Why bother thinking, right?

If you lead your life that way, you are a SAD creature!! I mean, it doesn’t matter to me what you want to do….but at least show me that you are doing something with good reason. Then, maybe I can at least respect you a little bit even if your action is against what I think is best. But when you start giving me a haughty look and utter that MAGICAL WORD, my respect for you went from neutral to non-existent!

Why is it that when a person do something because of religion, she/he is thought as oppressed and not able to think for himself/herself? But when a person do something just because she/he wants to, suddenly this person is thought as free? If you want to be fair, you should at least say that BOTH of them are not thinking. The only difference is, the former case usually ends with a better result than the latter.

So, now, religion aside, let us properly think how much of PDA (i.e public display of affection) is too much? How do you measure how much (that don’t harm others) is proper without going into culture and religion? There’s GOT to be a a benchmark. Basically, if you are not ruled by religion, you will be ruled by your society or your peer-pressure or your need to maintain a good reputation or some other things would rule you. No one is truly free!!

I don’t think it’s fair to judge people from a different culture based on your own culture. It would not yield an accurate result. So, let’s judge PDA based on the western culture because I am in the WEST and I am judging people who live in the WEST.

-Holding hands is okay, I suppose, at least in the Western society. I would still find it acceptable. (NOTE: not acceptable ANYWHERE in the Muslim society. Some people do it but when asked, the answers is the same: NOT ACCEPTABLE!!)

-Proper kissing, is still not frowned upon here. So, I guess, I will accept it in this society.

-But kissing and heated embrace that should be reserved as a foreplay in the bedroom….even the elderly lady in the bus felt disgusted by it! So, if an Australian find it terrible, it must be really bad behaviour indeed. But of course, you will always find people who would say ‘Oh, I wouldn’t do it myself but it’s their freedom to do whatever they like.’

Okay, you mean, the freedom to behave what is considered by the society as bad, I suppose.

In other words, you are propagating the freedom to behave badly, right??

Well, when somebody’s reason is sooo blindly wired, what else can you say?

I guess, I could probably just wink at the couple in heat or smile to myself at excessive PDA if I could be convinced that they are sincere while displaying their affection…but when you do it just to annoy me? Or worse, to impress me? Gosh! You are soooo SAD!!


To be fair, most Western people in Australia are the decent sort. Especially since I am moving among the very professional medical students. They have self-respect and dignity.

As you can see (or read), from my first two stories, the HIJAB-FETISH people were the ones who did look like they have some retarded thinking process. In their case, look was not deceiving since the behaviour pretty much confirmed the suspicion that I had in mind when I gave them a look.

To me, some things are such common sense. Only ANIMALS copulate in public….even some animals have shame and would not do it when they know they are seen. And no self-respecting human beings would do it in public with the intention of being looked at while they are at it.

Unless, they are exhibitionists! In which case, I have to pity them. How sad it must be that your thrill of being with your loved one is only at its most maximum when you know someone is watching. How about just the thrill of being with someone you love, period!

I think, love-making is something so private because it’s so special that even a hint of it is not to be shared with just anyone who is not in that relationship. It shouldn’t be just for some thrill or other. The fact that you are being with each other should be thrilling enough. Lovemaking should be a non-verbal communication between two loving individuals (of opposite sex, mind you) in the privacy of their home.

To me, what I wouldn’t do in a hospital where I am known as a medical student (and therefore have to look professional) I wouldn’t do in public. Some doctors go to great length NOT to let other colleagues know that they are actually husband and wife, because they want to maintain that professionalism and that image of self-control.

And they are self-respecting enough not to let other people have a peek into their private lives.

But some people just don’t have that concept. Respect, self-control and dignity mean nothing to them.


Some might question, what rights do you have to judge others?

Well, the answer lies in why you even bother dressing up to a job interview. The answer lies in why you even bother to buy those make-ups and expensive clothes. It lies in why in every occupation, there’s a dress code.

The answer is, everybody judges one another. The only difference between someone who is called judgmental and someone who is not called judgemental lies on whether or not he/she voices out loud what he/she thinks of you.

But don’t be fooled….all of us are judged every single moment of our lives.

Even if you want to make believe that no one SHOULD judge you here on earth, rest assured, you WILL be judged in the hereafter.

For the time being, you can deny it. Hopefully, it makes you feel better for anything that you choose to do in the future, no matter how outrageous, in the name of the MAGIC WORD freedom.

I guess,  this is where some people would throw me a real dirty look and go, “If you can’t accept the values of this society, then get out of Australia! Go back to your, country, towel-head!!”

Uh-huh! Impressive knowledge of what VISA is all about and what an amazing understanding of the fact that the International Students are paying a lot of money to study in Australia and such a commendable attitude to what is after all a simple business contract!! 

And may I question your statement that excessive, outrageous PDA is the values of Australia? I have seen some Australian bloggers describing PDA as very distasteful in their opinion! In them, I see some hope for the rest of the society! Furthermore, I think they are the majority! You see, most of the time, the majority of the world society is still quite decent!!

But don’t you worry! I am out of Australia, next year. I will be going back home to my beloved Malaysia.

On a second thought, maybe I won’t go back home. Maybe I will stay in Australia.

Just to annoy you!

16 thoughts on “The Hijab Fetish: Hijab Makes Couples Horny

  1. nia azalea

    hahahha…i love this entry…tapi kan kat sini i have never seen couples behaving like dat…mgkin jugak area aku ni ramai org Islam and diorang pun dah biasa kot dgn kitaorang nih..


  2. afizaazmee

    Lucky you!! Aku ngan a few of my friends byk kali dah tengok fenomena hijab-fetish ni…dah biasa dah pun.
    Tapi a baru2 ni, aku baru jer witness sthg like this in the pool. Again!! And orang ni adalah orang yang aku kenal plak tu!! Itu yang aku tertrigger nak tulis pasal ni. The couple was so obvious, nampak jer aku lalu, makin menjadi2. Aku nak tergelak pun ada!


  3. dayah

    hahaha…fifi..aku xbace sampai abes sbb aku rase aku patut bace pasal surgery more than ur aku bace halfway pon aku rase lawak gile..haha…aku sgt2 setuju dgn ape yg ko tulis ni…btw sapekah manusia yg ko kenal dalam pool tu? let me guess…he/she must be our batch mate kan?


  4. afizaazmee

    That is right! Spot on, dayah! Bacthmate kita.
    Pool tu berdepan dengan rumah kitorang kat Tamworth. Nasib baik bilik aku kat belakang….

    But one very hot day, aku baru balik kelas…nak masuk umah kena lalu depan pool. Pool tu masih lengang….hanya ada 2 orang di dlmnya. And u guess the rest of the story….what happened when the girl saw me.



  5. Passerby

    I have a hijab fetish.Whenever I see a woman in one,a tightly coiled spring comes to mind.Of course I never stare or make my interest known.But I got one for my girl friend. 🙂


  6. Beznik

    I’m not a couple at the moment, but I have always found hijabs and the dresses Muslim women wear to be quite attractive. I wish women in American culture would wear dresses and long skirts more. Do hijabs make me horny, idk maybe a little bit. That might not be the right word. I feel it makes a girl look prettier than if she wasn’t wearing it, and makes her look very dignified. I do have some hopeless crushes on a lot of Muslim girls. Most are nice enough to talk to me and be polite. Which is far nicer treatment then I have gotten from plenty of girls far less modest.


    1. Hi there, Beznik.

      Thanks for visiting. I am glad to know that you find our dresses dignified. I and all muslims certainly feel so too. Most ppl couldn’t see beyond us being conservative and out dated. You are one of the few intelligent ones. 🙂


    1. Hahaha!
      If I were inclined to be contradictory and irritating I would simply say “Hah! I will stay out of the west if the west will stay out of Iraq and Afghanistan.”

      But then I am inclined to be nice today so I am telling you “I have been out of the west for the past 3 years already and loving it! The West is really not all that it’s cracked up to be. Don’t act like such a benighted fool by being too proud of it. Arrogance of so insignificant a matter is really unseemly.”


  7. shumayal

    Well written!! I read through it all! The most striking thing is your writing. style felt just like mine with all the brackets, changing topics and quickly coming back to the topic and ending with a teaser. I can’t explain more. sadly I’m a nobody and you won’t be able to see them online. I keep them in my notebook.
    Lol deviated again.
    Really enjoyed it. I feel angry at them stupid people who do such screen


  8. Pingback: hijab quotesCara Gampang Greenthekeys | Cara Gampang Greenthekeys

  9. Pingback: The Hijab Fetish: Hijab Makes Couples Horny by Dr. Afiza Azmee : MBA

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